Cannabis Private Clubs in South Africa
Different nations are handling their recreational markets differently. Systems that come to mind are the dispensary system that’s been adopted by the United States. Another is the coffee shops littering the idyllic streets of Amsterdam. One method is the creation of a private club by citizens wanting to consume cannabis.
What is a dagga club?
The word club brings up ideas of drunk students and ear-deafening music. That is not what we have in mind here. A private dagga club is when a number of individuals pool their resources in the pursuit of cannabis cultivation that satisfies the group. The members of the group, or specific members, work together to grow cannabis to provide the group with enough to satisfy their smoking needs. Cannabis is not ‘bought’ or ‘sold’, rather individuals contribute to the resources needed to create the grow and bud. The product is exclusively distributed to the members of the dagga club for personal consumption.
Why this method
This system is relatively in line with the current legislation and judgments regarding Cannabis in South Africa. The principle of a Non-profit dagga club is already regulated by existing law. There just need to be a further acknowledgement of the legality regarding cannabis. This method also allows small-scale enthusiasts to legally consume cannabis without supporting a dangerous and explorative black market. You may lack the skills to cultivate your own cannabis, so this method allows you to take advantage of the knowledge and skills of others by contributing resources to the cultivation of cannabis in this communal club
If you are interested in the South African cannabis industry and its future I recommend the Fields of Green Cannabis Manifesto. It is a well-research, sustainable and inclusive plan to guide the legalisation of cannabis in South Africa
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Introduction of Hallucinogin cannabis infused craft gin, now available in South Africa on Takealot.