Looking into the Legalities of Cannabis in 2023
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* This is an auto-generate transcript and won't be grammatically correct. AndyToday we are going to be talking about the legal landscape for 2023. I think there's going to be some pretty interesting developments, though there is...Cannabis Activism in the Face of Arrests and Firings
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* This is an auto-generate transcript and won't be grammatically correct. AndyToday, we are very privileged to have Myrtle Clark. She's a longtime activist, and she has offered a little bit of a busy time to come...Can Cannabis Create Jobs
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Thu, Nov 24, 2022 3:25PM • 13:08* This is an auto-generate transcript and won't be grammatically correct. SUMMARY KEYWORDScannabis, industry, jobs, clubs, universities, grow, work, courses, employed, cultivator, skills, training, hear, create, businesses, sector, south africa, thought,...On The Road for an Installation! – EP162
AndyYo, yo, yo, guys what is up welcome back to another episode of marijuana sa weekly today's gonna be a little bit of a shorter episode and we just got to touch on that a bit of a information to you guys about what we do. I mean obviously we...
Cannabis Private Clubs in South Africa
Different nations are handling their recreational markets differently. Systems that come to mind are the dispensary system that's been adopted by the United States. Another is the coffee shops littering the idyllic streets of Amsterdam. One method is the creation of a private club by citizens wanting to consume cannabis.