LUMii Black 730w LED PAR Map – EP158
Yo, yo, yo, guys what is up, welcome back to another episode of marijuana sa weekly. And today we’re going to be going over a Power Map that Dean and Luke put together last night, we have to wait for the doc to be able to do these things. And it does take a long time. So sorry, it was a bit delayed. But we are very excited to bring you the results deme little hints on how it’s looking.
So yeah, it was super fun testing the light. As always, I’ve actually prepared a few images for us to have a look at of the testing. But the results were really good of all the lights we’ve tested so far. The this is the first sort of six bar fixture that has sort of quite a large area that it takes up just the unit itself. I mean, this is sort of a one, one by one metre metre unit. But yeah, really good results. And I think everyone’s going to be pleased to see the that we did get some quality results in the end.
Yeah, while you bring up some some pics of of the testing conditions. Just as a bit of an explainer guys make sure to join our Facebook group that we’ve that we started last week, we figured it’d be a nice place to have a bit of discussion with you guys and some q&a and just share some photos and share some Grow, grow tips and stories. We do obviously put a lot of content on YouTube, but we find that Facebook’s actually quite engaging between us and yourselves. So please go go join up join this small community there that we’re building up. And as always make sure to like and subscribe sick photos.
So basically, like the stand isn’t 100% ideal, but we thought it would kind of work because all the major points were were shown, but you can see in front of you is you’ll see sort of an inner square made out of white stickers, that inner square is one metre by one metre, and then we have an outer square, you can kind of see the sticky tape lines leading up to it, and the outer square is 1.4 metres by 1.4 metres. So basically we looking at a at a test of two different, you know, two different a two metre and a one metre squared. And we also conducted the test at three different heights. We did the tests of the 100 centimetres, 50 centimetres and 30 centimetres, all done by sort of hanging the light in an empty room, we waited till dark when the light was off, the room was completely dark, both metres were reading not. And then we tasted the lacs. And we also tasted the PPFD in the in the dimensions that I’ve just mentioned, we only took one Lux metre reading though, because that’s just more of an interest sake than anything else. So really, really exciting. And I think this is a nice image because you can see the unit you can see the colour, you can see the the red chips, and yeah, all in all a very exciting test. Like I said, of all the tests we’ve done, I think between Andrew and myself, we’ve conducted close to two maybe 10 of these over over the period. So so far, it’s been a very interesting, interesting light. Yeah, with that being said, I think I can just bring up the quickly hop over on to
while you bring that up. So I just want to give you guys a bit of insight. I mean, if you’re not too familiar with, with what a PPFD and Power Map is, but essentially we take the light and we we’ve we’ve got this very fancy friggin monitor apogee, MQ 500, which is it measures the PPFD, which is photon flux, photos, photo synthetic photo of
it. Photosynthetic photon flux density is what is blanking a bit. But yeah, we basically we measure that that’s how much usable light is coming out of the light. And then we we measured at different points. So you obviously have your centre point. And if the lights coming down to the centre point, and that’s got a certain usable amount of light coming out at it, then that’s the usable, yes, as Dean showing there. And then they also have on the outskirts how much usable lights coming out there. And now this is different. It’s not Lux, which is sort of the what you see when you have a cat a normal light or you know, lumens or candle power, you know, you’ll see all these different things that’s just like total light, or light that’s coming out. But PPFD is sort of because it’s the amount the stuff that plants are able to use it’s in within a specific spectrum of it. And yeah, that way, we can see exactly how much the plants are required. And there’s sort of a benchmark, you know, you know, during different stages of life cycle, you need a certain PPFD and that’s a sort of our benchmark that we’ve measured it on. And then we take it and we divide that by the wall draw at one point so that we have a PPFD per watt. It’s not a very common sort of thing, but that’s that’s how we look at our efficiency. We want to get the maximum PP FD, for what, but then you also want to factor in the spread, which we’re going to we’re also going to explain. So you guys will see this very much a visual podcast. So do hop over to the YouTube to check all these visuals. Alright, then, let’s have a look at this thing
quickly on that liquid. It used to be like gramme per watt, with HPs. So that was kind of a thing. But now like, because it’s so hard to gauge and you still sometimes want to give people an indicator, I like to do the PPFD per white calculation to work out sort of what light is best value for money. So it’s like a still a bit of a ballpark because there’s other factors involved. But it gives you a good, good indication. Cool. So let’s hop into the document. We’ve developed our own certificate of analysis for this product with some interesting information. It’s a 750 watt actual draw unit. Just what’s interesting about this unit for someone watching this video, for the first time, this unit is run by a 600 watt lumen electronic ballasts, which would be an HIV ballast. So that’s something quite interesting about the light. And if you guys don’t know the light as well, just as of Episode Two weeks back, where we go over the light in like full detail. Yeah, which is really a really good episode, if you want to break more into the tech, overall overall size and use 110 by 108, by five centimetres. So that’s sort of the dimensions of the light, as you would see it spread out in the in the product photo, the Lumi, the LED type, the information released is that it’s a Lumi branded or procured, horticultural led, and it does emit in a spectrum for good for veg and for flower. So it’s a one use only, you only need one light in the growth space. And you’ll still be able to sort of see everything as you would and under daylight. So that’s kind of the more sort of product ID technical information. And then we get through to our, our Lux efficiency and our PPFD efficiency.
Yeah, you’ve got to, you’ve also got to factor in with with these. So it’s one thing that we don’t test on this is sort of your lifespan of the light, though they do give a long warranty on it, and certain guarantees and such like that there is it’s a new with with them using sort of unknown LEDs, you might see a sort of decline in lumens, or PPFD per watt down the line, you know, in five years time, a lot of the you know, hence why I don’t I’m not too sure if the facilities will jump on this. But so far, anecdotally, the growth labs that we support, and the home growers that we support are absolutely loving this light. Yeah, it’s been a real showstopper. So let’s have a look at the Lux and efficiency by height. This is just like with a lux metre to get to Grand metre, it basically measures the total light output at a certain point includes all the full, more the visible spectrum, not necessarily the amount that the plant is going to be using only. So it’s kind of a I wouldn’t think too much. And it’s just an interesting one to compare side by side versus other ones. 69,000 locks at 30 centimetres, 52,350 centimetres and 125,200 at 100 centimetres, and then we take the that locks and we divide it by the Watts and we get a sort of Lux efficiency, not really a showstopper but if you compare them side by side it is interesting. Another thing to note is when you guys are looking at these side by side, you have to keep remaining remembering the spread, you know we have like, like our e 500, which is like a UFO like dorm and that’s got like a central carb like a very high powered carb chip with a very refractive lens, but it’s obviously going to have a super high PPFD or lacks like in the centre point. But then the offtake I mean, Dean is probably our biggest light, right?
Yeah, so like with that being said that they all we have tested other lights that came in at a 30 centimetre height with a higher PPFD or lacks but then it’s kind of dying off 30 Say not even 30 centimetres to the side. So this being one of our biggest slides yet. It is our biggest life. So biggest fixture so far besides the Zed x, which we also start but so those it’s these new bar type LEDs and the reason they’re popular is because early these are very direct so you want a big light so that it can get the spread area with lots of LEDs on it. And that’s where we start to see the interesting results with the with the PPFD the centre point and sort of the one metre points are pretty consistent on the light
at about 50 So I’m looking at the PPFD guys so so that’s going to be looking at that’s now our photon photosynthetic photon flux density. It’s the usable spectrum of light. And that’s at a certain point. So from the light, what actually hits that piece of ground where it is, right where the apogee metre sits? It’s a little quantum sensor like this. And whatever hits that light at that certain point, these are the centre points. So like right in the middle of the light directly under it. Not the highest, obviously. Well, I mean, it’s frickin 30 centimetres, your wall over your wall over 800 PPFD, which is really amazing. Some of the other lights you might expect to see is 1600. But remember, the spread is the huge factor here. And like I think that efficiency is very on par with with with sort of standard. I mean, it is a very efficient light and like, but yeah, that that that spread that you’re going to get. And obviously the cost factor also need to pay payroll. And yeah, we should have if we could adjust the price dynamically, we would have a RAND per PPFD at certain points, you know, so that we can kind of get a calculation on like how much rent you paying for your efficiency. But yeah, we haven’t we have the prices just they fluctuate too much with with imports and our currency.
Yeah, and also like the 50 centimetre at 1000. So that’s like perfect for a flowering period. And like most people are going to be flying between 30 and 50 centimetres. So with all that being said, let’s move on to our next page. Next page, we have our PPFD and lacks readings at distances from light source and sort of more infographic style. And then we have the exciting part, which is our actual, our actual maps, I’m not quite sure how to zoom in on them. There we go. Yeah, we got so now we’re in the in the money. This is that was basically the whole point of the of the whole test, who would have seen should have this in similar forms for quite a few lights on the market. And I personally, this is the first piece of content like this, I’ve seen come out related to a light test on this lighter, if we do say so ourselves. So we’ve got our 30 on the left our 50 centimetres on the right, and our 100 centimetres, 100 centimetres on the far right. And this is where you start to see the results of the of the larger light, the Centre Block is the centre, the middle block is one metre squared, and the outer block is two metres squared. So 1.4 times 1.4. Generally, most people are going to have you be using this, I would suggest this light to be used in a 1.2 metre grow tent or two of these lights to be used in a 1.2 by a 2.4 by 1.2. And you will have more than sufficient light and PPFD across that space. We see some interesting results of sort of 1278 in the centre. And then on the left and right of that we’re averaging sort of about around 930. And then it’s pretty consistent around the light for around 460 up to 500. And I found it interesting where some of the bars were placed that even though we were levelling out very carefully, you know, it just seems that like the way the light is built, it kind of strips strays a little bit to the one side being a little bit stronger. And that’s the side that we that the that the power plug is not on. So I don’t know, maybe there is I think with the way that the light has a fold, there is like a loss of efficiency on the fold and a little bit which is which is quite bad for a 1.2 metre grow tent, you know, with the 30% increase in reflection that you’d receive in a 1.2 metre Grow Tent. I think this slide is going to be amazing for flowering and I think you’ll get really good results utilising utilising this light in the in the growth and Andy What do you think about the results?
Yeah, I wanted to add on that as like. I mean, you guys also take this with a pinch of salt. This is in a non reflective space. So like I’m looking at these drop offs here and I know you guys are at home also looking at Oh, you know two metres you know, bear in mind this is a two metre by two metres by two metres by two metres is a huge space. And this is right in the corner of that, like the drop of fism is massive. But I think with a reflective you could probably expect to see 30% Higher sort of talk as you get closer to the outskirts because there’s basically there’s no reflective reflective light In the site, I mean, it’s a white wall, but so minimal minimal reflection, but you’ll, you’ll get a load more on a reflective surface. So do take that into note. But otherwise, I mean, I think 30 centimetres, you’ve got a good good, good spread, you’re also able to get in and work under it. I mean, 100 centimetres, you also got a really good spread. Yeah, it’s a, it’s for the money, I mean, it’s unbeatable almost.
And I just want to say I’ve grown really really dank harvests, will take less readings on my, on my corners, then the far lesser reading sort of, I was putting like 180 on my corners, maybe five hundreds, on my, on my, on my middles and then in my centre, getting about 800 here and around, I was able to do a full spread in a Grow Tent of hot dogs. So the 1.2 with these kinds of pbf D readings then increased by potential 30% by the mylar or whatever materials inside I think you would see some I think you’d see uniform results across the across the board and I’m really interested to see what kind of yields people start to pull with this light is new to market so I don’t know of anyone that’s completed a crop just yet but the quantum metres starting to tell us some interesting results that I think we’re going to see some cool stuff coming out
yeah no it was really nice to get this under the under the test and like into the into the conditions of in these this is what what people want to know at the end of the day. And yeah, I think I mean on that we don’t want to it’s a little bit more of a scientific episode. I think guys but hopefully guys enjoyed it and get some value out of it. Please obviously make sure to try score the growth sharp always helps and there’s some links below Facebook group and make sure to always like and subscribe. And as always, thanks guys.
Peace guys.
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