The future of cannabis
There are some changes in store for us!
For years stoners have talked in anticipation for legal weed in South Africa. We have begged for it and in an amazing turn of luck we got what we asked for! We threw out claims like R1 a gram or the idea of walking into a dispensary lined wall to wall with different strains.
We still do not know what form legal weed is going to come in. The ruling was just beginning, we need to ensure that legal cannabis is handled in a way that grows our economy, is accessible to small time businessmen and benefits the consumer!
For example we looked with jealousy as some states in the USA legalized cannabis. Yet some implementation has been catastrophic, with prices increasing 45% and the possibility of have legal cannabis business being exclusively reserved for big corporate businesses.
The laws and regulations in California ensured that legal cannabis was only accessible to entrepreneurs who had massive capital, strangling an industry it should of promoted!
I am incredibly excited for the legislation to be passed in South Africa, but i want the government to implement legislation that benefits the customer and business environment. This industry could create thousands of jobs, easily generate millions of rands in tax and grow our economy; if it is handled well!
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