CBD oil
It’s medicine!
CBD is a craze right now, and that is for a reason. CBD is not the drug of stoners and people looking to chill out. These drops are being used by suffering people to soothe and aid them with their sickness.
First of all CBD doesn’t get you ‘high’. THC is the psychoactive compound in Marijuana that gets you high. CBD oils have very little if any THC, instead they mostly contain CBD the compound responsible for most of the health benefits associated with cannabis.
CBD can relieve pain. Studes have shown that CBD can reduce inflammation and react with neurotransmitters which react with the bodies system responsible for pain.
CBD can help with anxiety and depression. A few people are reporting cannabis triggering anxiety. The general consensus is that this is caused by low levels of CBD in the bud we are smoking. Studies have shown that a dose of CBD alone was effective in treating anxiety. This is due to CBD affecting our serotonin levels with are responsible for our mood.
Cancer is a terrible sickness and is unbearable on families and the its victims. Its treatment causes symptoms like nausea, vomiting and pain. CBD can help treat these symptoms! Especially among those who found no relief in traditional treatments for these symptoms.
We have just begun discovering the help benefits of CBD. We have already found so many uses and I am sure with more research we will find even more ways of using this plant to heal and soothe us!
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